Does your story matter?

I received a question this week from a business owner who wasn’t sure whether her audience actually cared about the story behind her brand – especially since her market is in the B2B space.

Her question was whether story had any place in marketing a B2B company, or whether it was strictly B2C territory.

Here’s my theory: As human beings selling things to other human beings, if we want to make a lasting impact on our audience, we need to reach them with storytelling.

So, the short answer is: If you sell to humans, then yes, you need to tell a story!

Hint: Even B2B companies are run by humans 😉

The days of slimy selling are over

Now, I’m sure there are copywriters out there that might disagree with me on this next point, but I think the days of the hard sell are over. #thankgoodness

It no longer works to use tactics like false scarcity and pushy messaging and expect to get a million sales.

Sure, there were days when those 30,000 word websites with WARNINGS and flashing buttons could get people to whip out that Visa in fear, but luckily those types of sales tactics are losing their effectiveness.

Instead (and a lot of this is thanks to millennials and their buying habits), people want the “why” behind the brand before they are willing to give over their cash.

People want to connect with brands they support

They want to know who they are supporting with their dollars and what the brand represents.

It’s not just buying a program, a book, or an app, it’s investing in the longevity of a brand personality.

It’s not just a pair of shoes, in the case of a company like TOMS, but it’s the cause of helping others.

Your turn to write your story

So, why do you do what you do? What is the deeper reason for your brand’s existence? It doesn’t have to be some life changing cause like ending world hunger either.

Maybe you started your online course to help make a busy mom’s life easier. Tell that story!

Maybe you help business owners manage their money so they can experience more freedom. Tell that story!

Maybe you exist to bring a little fun and whimsy to the world – Please tell that story too!
Whatever your story is, if you tell it right, your people will want to read it and it will help you connect on a much deeper level with your target market.

And that, my friend, will also help bring in sales.

So, what is your story? Do you need help figuring it out?

Leave a comment below and let me know what struggles you’re facing as you sit down to write your story.
Oh, and here’s an extra tip: This story I’m talking about is not just found on your brand’s about page (although it is there too).

Your story should be woven into everything you write – your homepage, blog posts, sales pages (ESPECIALLY sales pages)!

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