Looking for a copy editor?

Looking for a copy editor?

Brand Meets Copy is now offering copy editing for self-publishing authors, publishers, and for items such as ebooks, white papers, and other informational products. I can see you jumping for joy over there!

While this is technically a new offering through Brand Meets Copy, I am not a new editor. I have an MA in English and a Certificate in Copy Editing. I have edited several fiction books through a local publisher here in San Diego, some non-fiction books for self-published authors, and I’ve even edited a version of the Bible (how’s that for street-cred?)

Truth be told, I miss editing so I’ve decided to offer copy editing services once again. Prices will depend on the level of editing required, as well as word count.

Are there any types of projects you won’t edit?

Great question my invisible friend! Yes, as a matter of fact there are projects I won’t edit. I won’t edit copywriting/sales marketing messaging/most web pages. Why? Well, because copywriting is another skill entirely and I’ve found that when people come to me for “copy editing” of their sales message often what they really want is a new version of that message for the price of editing…(no offense past clients who have tried to sneak this one by me!)

If you do have a copywriting project that could use some help, I do offer audits/coaching for those projects. Pricing starts at $275 per page for copy revisions.

Ready to find out whether your project would be a good candidate for copy editing? Click here and get in touch.

I look forward to getting out my virtual red pen and bringing your new project to life!


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