Coming up with Content Sucks

Coming up with content ideas out of thin air sucks.


Am I right? And yes, I do know that I’m stating this as a writer so it might seem a little, well, strange. Like a vet hating pets or something…But stay with me!

Here’s the thing: coming up with an idea to write about out of thin air sucks so much because it’s freakin’ hard to do! It’s like being put on the spot and no one likes that! Ask me about the time one of my favorite motivational speakers asked me to tell him something I was grateful for and I went blank and literally had nothing…NOTHING!

The secret to coming up with content is actually to not try to grasp at topics while you’re already sitting down to write. That is just going to be too difficult. Now this is not scientific fact (at least, I don’t think it is), but I believe that the part of your brain that comes up with ideas and the part that writes are separate. You can’t expect them both to work at the same time. That’s why I like to come up with my content ideas in some fun brainstorming sessions (and yes, brainstorming can be fun!) and then I write the content in another session when I let my geeky librarian come out in full force.

I stockpile content ideas and then when I’m ready I write them. Simple as that! Since I’m often working on content for several companies, I have to log ideas for many industries, so while I’m not complaining, I must say if you only need to generate content for one industry I have a word for you: LUCKY! (said in a Napoleon Dynamite accent of course).

So, whenever you get smacked in the face by your muse (maybe your muse is nicer, mine is a bit rude) write down the idea and don’t feel like you have to flesh it out (one of my least favorite sayings, because – gross) right then. You can save it for later, just be sure to come back to it at some point.

I know you’re still wondering where to get those ideas in the first place, right? I created a little something just for you!

Grab my 5 Tips to Find Content Ideas That Won’t Cost You a Dime.

(Free of course!) Check it out and let me know if it helped you!

Grab your Free Content Idea Guide Now!


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